In the ever-evolving landscape of professional photography, team photos have undergone a dramatic transformation. From the stiff, formal portraits of yesteryears to today’s dynamic and personality-driven shots, the journey of team photography reflects broader societal and technological changes. At our NYC-based business, we’ve been part of this exciting evolution, and we’re here to share insights on how team photos have transformed over the years.


Real estate team portrait on NYC street


From Stiff to Stylish: A Brief History

The Early Days: Formality and Uniformity

In the early 20th century, team photos were marked by formality. Teams stood rigidly in rows, often dressed in similar or identical attire. The goal was to convey professionalism and unity, but the result was often a lack of individuality and warmth.

The Mid-Century Shift: Casual and Candid

The 1950s and 60s saw a slight relaxation in the rigidity of team photos. While still relatively formal, there was an increasing trend towards capturing teams in more natural, candid settings. The black-and-white aesthetic of this era added a timeless quality to these images.

The Digital Revolution: Creativity Unleashed

With the advent of digital photography and social media, team photos have become more creative and personalized. Teams are no longer confined to the office setting; parks, cafes, and urban landscapes provide dynamic backdrops that reflect the company’s culture and ethos.

Current Trends in Team Photography

1. Authenticity Over Perfection

Today’s team photos emphasize authenticity. Rather than striving for perfect poses, the focus is on capturing genuine interactions and expressions. This approach not only makes the photos more relatable but also showcases the unique personalities within the team.

2. Diverse and Inclusive Representation

Modern team photos celebrate diversity and inclusion. They aim to reflect the varied backgrounds and perspectives that make up the team. This not only aligns with contemporary values but also sends a powerful message about the company’s commitment to inclusivity.

3. Creative Settings and Props

Gone are the days of bland office backgrounds. Teams are now photographed in creative settings that resonate with their brand. Props, such as company merchandise or quirky items that represent the team’s interests, are often incorporated to add a personal touch.

4. Dynamic Compositions

Static, posed shots have given way to dynamic compositions. Photographers play with angles, movement, and interactions to create visually engaging images. This trend adds energy and vitality to the photos, making them stand out in a sea of conventional portraits.

Embracing the Future

As we move further into the digital age, team photography will continue to evolve. Emerging technologies like augmented reality and AI could introduce new dimensions to how we capture and present team photos. Yet, no matter how advanced the tools become, the essence of a great team photo will always be its ability to capture the spirit and camaraderie of the team.

In NYC, where the blend of cultures and creativity is unmatched, team photos are not just a necessity but an opportunity to tell your team’s unique story. Ready to get your team photos? Check out our galleries here and contact us to schedule your shoot.

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